Monday, September 24, 2012


I got a case of the Monday's.  I can honestly tell you I never had a case of the Monday's until about six months ago.  I wake up about 4 am and think " oh my, how can I get out of going to work today". But I get up and go any way.  I have been with the company a total of 13 years. Maybe it is time for a change. Sadly I have no idea what to do. I used to drive to work excited to get there to start the day. Not so much anymore.  Maybe I need to change..  Not sure what is going on with me.  Maybe because I am not living to work and I am working to live now.  Maybe because I have other focuses like getting healthy, paying attention to my kids that that the satisfaction I found from my job is just not there anymore.  It looks like I need to do some soul searching.

Below my Weight Watcher points today.  Walked 1.6 miles. Need to get in a longer workout. Not tonight, I had to stop at Target for soap.  Buuuut, we all know if you're in Target by yourself there is a force field that draws you in.  You see all the cute Halloween decorations, all the cute home decor, oh and don't forget the clearance racks. You can score big time on the clearance items if you have patience.  So I forfeited an extra workout for Target shopping. Got out of there under $30.00. Saweet!
I am down another pound from Friday.  Hoping to see a dramatic change in my appearance by January   .

Sunday, September 23, 2012


This weekend we celebrated my husband's sister' birthday.  It was a milestone birthday so it was extra special.  Her son threw a great party and the entire family was there.  Four generations celebrating together.  For someone like me that doesn't have my extended family living close this was special to be a part of.  One thing I admire about my sister-in-law is that she always has a smile on her face.  She's always happy to see you. Always interested to know what you're up too.  She is soft spoken but the life of the party at the same time.  I wish her a life time of happiness.

On the diet front... I am a loser!  I lost 2.7 lbs the first week.  Over all it was a good week. However on Saturday night, I had three tacos but about six beers.. Ouch many, many calories.  This week I will have to pick up the cardio and work those off.  Sunday afternoon I began looking at fashion websites daydreaming for the day I will fit in some of the clothes I love so much.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


EW!  I just looked at myself in the mirror, I mean really looked at myself and all I can think is EW!  How did I let myself get this over weight, this out of shape?  Neglect is how. Instead of dealing with issues I shove food down my throat. If you think about that sentence it all seems so stupid. Why would I choose food instead of dealing with things?  Am I a coward, am I scared?  Maybe a mix of both.
Well tomorrow marks my first complete week with the Weight Watcher program so I am excited to see what my first week results are.  Today I was under my points again and walked 1.4 miles.  I wish for my continued pursuit of health and fitness..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Slap in the face

Today I got a slap in the face reminder why I am on this mission of health. Even though I feel a bit stressed I was able to stay the course and not emotionally eat because I am reminded of what will happen to me.  I stayed within my Weight Watcher points today but only got a mile of walking in.  I even made my kids chocolate chip pancakes and I didn't even have one bite..  (pat on my back)..
Looking forward to buying cuter, smaller clothes. I day dream about wearing skirts again.

Unrelated topic- One of my favorite shows is "Watch What Happens Live" on Bravo.  I just love Andy Cohen. I always wanted a brother growing up and he would have been the perfect one.  He is funny and sarcastic. I also love Jeff Lewis from "Flipping Out". He is funny and little bit evil.  My favorite type of people.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pssst, it's Tuesday

I was sure it was already Wednesday when I woke up today... Bummer. It is only Tuesday.  Today was an easy day.  Didn't eat much and am way under my points.  Not sure if that is good or bad but i am not hungry today. Walked a mile at work and a mile at the park with my daughter after work. I cherish these times with her because she still calls me mommy and wants to hold hands when we walk. She is starting to experience friends being nice then all of sudden their mean and she doesn't know why. I want to protect her from the world but the most I can do is teach her and show her how to become a strong, confident woman so she can handle these tough situations that young children go through.
I noticed as we were walking I kept thinking "I should go home. I need to cook dinner, etc., etc.". I didn't leave until my mile was complete. I have to remember that this is for my health and I can't give up because there is a load of laundry waiting for me. That stuff can wait.   Now on to my laundry and lunches for tomorrow.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Not Much

Okay, it is Monday... A friend from work and I took two breaks and walked a total of two miles..   Exercising is way, way less awful when you have some to talk to..  Other than that, I stayed within my Weight Watcher points and I am down 1 more pound since Friday.   My husband asked if I could stop and pick up some Drain-o for our shower.  All I could think of was eating a roll smothered in butter.  I thought I will walk in Von's, pick up one sour dough roll and eat it.  No one will know right?  Ah, ha but my butt will know :-(..   Instead, I did get some Hawaiian bread for the family since we were having soup for dinner.  I had one piece, which is five points, still under my points. See the old me would have had a roll at the store, then more bread at home.  Wow it is weird to admit that.  Kind of like confessing to a lie. Well another day down and many, many more to go. Looking forward to weight loss success and good health.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nice People

I love nice people, especially in customer service. Today I went to the Corona Walmart to do my normal grocery shopping and I needed to place a special order for cupcakes.  Norma was working the bakery and helped me pick out something that was not in her catalog. She even brought out a sample of the products she would be using so I was sure about my order.  What a nice lady!  So for my friends in Corona, be sure to ask for Norma if you need help in the bakery. :-)
While I was in the bakery, I didn't have a weak moment and get a couple cookies. (pat on my back). I did however purchase turkey jerky. Oh goodness that sounds funny, turkey jerky,  but it was good. And it satisfied my hunger.  No exercise today, unless you count pushing my grocery cart up a slight hill all the way to the back of the parking lot.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Setting an Example

Something hit me about a month ago... Raising kids is leading by example for sure. It is easy to tell them what to do. However, they will follow in your footsteps based on your actions you have displayed over their life time.  The reason I say this, is my mother-in-law has lived a healthy, active lifestyle and her example has inspired me at 38.  With that said my husband and I have made a mission this year of health.  We both quit smoking in January and have remained quitters :-).  Oh and for those who say quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroine is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
We have moved on to working out and eating healthy.  Losing weight is like quitting smoking. We both had to figure out what causes us to crave the bad food and consciously over eat.  I think my cause started when my mom died.  (After 20 years, I realize this).  To deal with pain I stuffed it down with food.
We noticed through this the kids are the ones supporting us. Alex will say "Dad, you're looking smaller" or "Mom, are you working out today?". That is such motivation to stay the course. We are both down ten pounds. It is a slow process but worth it.  Most important I hope the kids see that eating right and excercise is part of a health, good life.