Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Life Style Changes

My last post I talked about cravings and not thinking about them as a sign of failure.  For the past nine days I have been acknowledging the cravings and not feeling like a failure.  Kind of exciting.  I noticed for the past couple months especially when I eat bread I tend to get very sick to my stomach.  I also noticed when I drink beer the same thing happens.  I had violent stomach ache again about two weeks ago and I thought "that's it, I can't live this way anymore".  I started doing my own research and found out I might have a gluten intolerance.  I haven't seen a doctor yet but all blogs and medical sites indicate my symptoms are just that, a gluten intolerance.  So I have been staying away from bread, cereals and beer :-(...  I have cravings for them but so far I have not given into them.. I do feel better in general and not so bloated.

So far no weight loss.. definitely picking better foods than the ones high in carbs. so I am sure weight loss will start to come.

Another thing I realized... People like me that have made a life style of unhealthy eating habits need to make this change in phases.  To go cold turkey is kind of unreasonable.  I don't want this to be diet, it needs to be a lifestyle change and that doesn't happen overnight, unless you have Jillian Michaels living in your house barking at you 24/7.   I started with just not going out to eat like I used to.  I would stop for breakfast on the way to work, at lunch, and most times my husband would get fast food for us for dinner.   So during 2012, there is no fast food for dinner whatsoever.  All dinners are homemade regardless of the ingredients.  Second half of the year we also began making breakfast and lunch at home too.  If we go out to eat it is maybe on Friday night and that because frankly after working, cooking, cleaning, etc. all week, we both need a break.  Now that we are used to eating at home and have made it part of our routine and a habit we can really move on to clean eating.

Keep you all posted on the progress...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dieting ADD

I think I have dieting ADD.  I get started on a good roll then.... well.... ummmm.... donuts, cookies, pizza, oh how 'bout that greasy bacon cheeseburger cravings come my way...  Suddenly it hit me driving to my a friends house on Saturday.. I am not a failure if I crave the bad food that I love and have become addicted to.  Somewhere in my 38 3/4 years of life I have translated cravings into failure and then I just give in to it.  As you know my husband and I quit smoking one year ago... (hold the applause please :-) )... but I had cravings to smoke and bad.  I wanted to chase a woman down the street at one point as she drove past me with her cigarette hanging out the window just to get a whiff of that nasty cigarette.  You know what though... I didn't have one slip up this entire year, not one I say.  And I never thought of myself as a failure because from time to time I had the cravings for one.

I have fallen off this dieters wagon so many times I am worried at some point I won't get back on.  So I start my healthy endeavor yet again.  I am going to let myself crave the food, acknowledge the cravings, remind myself to stay strong and see what happens.

Keep ya'll posted on this adventure.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm tryin'

I sigh as my son cleans his room... UGGGGGG  Sometimes these kids really challenge us and I am sure we will continue to be challenged by them throughout the years.  Sometimes dealing with my kids is an absolute joy but sometimes I feel like I was just tied behind a pick up truck and drug through the mud.  Sometimes my husband and I succeed and sometimes we fail.  And when we fail, that is a shot to the gut, for me at least.  However, we don't give up and we keep working at this parenting thing.  So many stories on the news and just everywhere of bad parents.  I need to hear some good parent stories.  I want to hear how some parents step right up to the challange and hit it like a punching bag everyday.  Not being scared their children will be mad at them because they are doing right by their kids.  How do they rebound from a parenting failure?  How do they celebrate in their successes?  Any suggestions?? I need a little pick me up tonight.
