Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Am A Quiter

About three weeks ago my husband and I watched a documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Very motivating. We started juicing that day and have noticed we feel better overall. The same day we quit smoking. Really! All on the same day. First week was easy. Second week was alright. Now I crave cigarette every moment these past couple days. I won't be around other smokers for fear I can't remain a Quiter. I wonder is this what drug addicts go through? This is so not fair. Why does smoking have to kill you? I actually enjoy smoking. This was the one thing I did once everyone was tucked away in bed and I had ten minutes to myself. I need to find an outlet to relax and unwind! I am sure more excercise is the answer. I hope I can remain a Quiter.

1 comment:

  1. Start reading a book! You can't even imagine the places they will take u!
