Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ranch Oyster Crackers

This is a simple snack to make if you want to kick up the flavor on your oyster crackers.

  • 1 12 oz. bag of Winco oyster crackers
  • 1/4 cup vegetable or canola oil
  • 1 1 oz packet of Winco powdered ranch dressing mix
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 1/4 teaspoon Winco lemon pepper - get this from the bulk bins

I whisked the oil, ranch dressing mix, dried dill, lemon pepper in a bowl, then gently tossed in the oyster crackers.  After they were all coated; I put them on a cookie sheet on a low broil for about 10 min.  Make sure to keep an eye on them and pull out every couple minutes to stir around to ensure the crackers brown evenly.

Additional idea:  
Sprinkle parmesan on the crackers once they are done in the broiler.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Get motivated today. Don't let working at a 9 to 5 be your life if that's not what you want.
Watch this video!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

If you need a little or a lot of motivation today the video link below is one to watch.  It's the most motivating video I have seen in a long time.

Friday, March 7, 2014


I think if you are changing your eating behaviors you need to be willing to experiment with things.  You can follow a plan that is laid out for you but I think you still need to experiment and be aware of how your body and mind reacts to what you are doing.

My experiment has been with Chia seeds.  I personally prefer to add 1 tablespoon of seeds to 16 ounces of water with lemon juice and let them soak for 20 minutes before I drink it.  I noticed when I do that it curbs my desire for sweets and bread.  I was drinking them for two straight weeks and noticed the change.   Then I got lazy and wasn't drinking them everyday.  I started feeling like my cravings for sweets and bread was uncontrollable.  Interesting, eh'. Now I drink them each morning after I get to work.  I have had a slight desire for sweets from time to time but nothing I can't keep under control.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Try this again

Okay so I am at it again.. what you ask?  Trying to lose weight.  This time it is a life style change.  I finally have my husband on board with me so this changes the game a bit.  He holds me accountable to working out each day and eating right.  I do the same for him.  Trying to cook one way for the family and one way for me just wasn't working.  So that fact we are on the same page is great.  Don't let me deceive you, the struggle to over come the food addiction is no less hard.

We started the journey about 8 weeks ago.  The first week I was uncomfortable, frustrated, had a headache, cranky, depressed all at the same time.  I couldn't stand my own self.  I really just wanted to jump out of my own skin.  My husband ordered the T 25 workout and the first night we started was a Monday night.  Some of the movements take coordination, which I don't have, so that was fun to do (not) while working out in front of my husband and kids.  My coordination is so bad that a video of me working out could win top prize on America's Funniest Home Video.  I digress, after that first night I would have given up but my husband stayed up waiting for me to finish to ensure I would do this.  I kept thinking "go away" but now I couldn't be more thankful that he did that.  Now I have self motivation to keep going or even just get started without that push.

The first week or two was so hard trying to wrap my brain around what there was to make for meals.  I think because this was a life style change it made it harder for me to figure out.  I mean I have done this diet thing a million times, I should have this down.  This is different because I had to factor in my kids as well.  Remember, I am not cooking separate meals for kids and adults.  This isn't Denny's.  All I have to say is "thank goodness for Pinterest".  There are so many recipes that are healthy and flavorful for the entire family to enjoy.  Also, talking to co-workers asking them what they do for meals.  Good old fashioned idea sharing has helped.

I will continue to share my struggles, triumphs, heart ache, frustrations, as I go through this journey in the hopes it helps lead someone else to a healthy and balanced life style.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Small projects around the house

I like doing small projects around the house.  So today I organized a linen closet.  I have stuffed it full and never really took time to organize things.  Plus, the kids are in there pulling old sheets and such to build forts so it is a mess. Today was the day to purge, fold, wash and put it all back nice and neat.  Oh it feels so great.  I bought the kids a new shower curtain that is not so "little kid" looking since my son is getting older and let's face it the other curtain was five years old so it's done it's time.   It's a bunch of letters that look kinda like graffiti..  Anyhooo, it was on clearance at Target for like $3.00.  Side note:  My entire house is taupe brownish so I wanted to put some color at least in the kids space.  I bought some sample paints at Lowe's last night and painted some stripes where the toilet is.  Then because we have a boy and a girl I added some sticky butterflies I have had on hand from IKEA to add some girlishness to it.

Not sure if anyone else has painted stripes on their walls.. We have an orange peel texture on our walls so the tape does not get in every nook and cranny and the paint bleeds a bit.  Does anyone have any tips on that?

                                         Bathroom Wall

Shower Curtain.. Target $3.00 bargain

Behind the toilet with the butterflies.  Oh, the basket was painted also with left over paint.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Get your workout on!

Real quick... YouTube has some good workouts and they are free so you can mix up your workouts as you feel the need to.

I found one that is 10 minutes focused on the abs.  This is a major problem area for me.  I carry all my weight in my stomach and to make matters worse; I have had three major surgeries that have cut open my abdomen so it's hard find workouts that are gentle enough but also work those muscles.   Click the link below if you are interested.  Good thing it's 10 minutes so it doesn't take up much time.  I even used my smart phone, set it the couch and was able to follow the workout.

10 min. Booty Shaking Waist Workout