Monday, June 24, 2013

Small projects around the house

I like doing small projects around the house.  So today I organized a linen closet.  I have stuffed it full and never really took time to organize things.  Plus, the kids are in there pulling old sheets and such to build forts so it is a mess. Today was the day to purge, fold, wash and put it all back nice and neat.  Oh it feels so great.  I bought the kids a new shower curtain that is not so "little kid" looking since my son is getting older and let's face it the other curtain was five years old so it's done it's time.   It's a bunch of letters that look kinda like graffiti..  Anyhooo, it was on clearance at Target for like $3.00.  Side note:  My entire house is taupe brownish so I wanted to put some color at least in the kids space.  I bought some sample paints at Lowe's last night and painted some stripes where the toilet is.  Then because we have a boy and a girl I added some sticky butterflies I have had on hand from IKEA to add some girlishness to it.

Not sure if anyone else has painted stripes on their walls.. We have an orange peel texture on our walls so the tape does not get in every nook and cranny and the paint bleeds a bit.  Does anyone have any tips on that?

                                         Bathroom Wall

Shower Curtain.. Target $3.00 bargain

Behind the toilet with the butterflies.  Oh, the basket was painted also with left over paint.